Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This week in the life of the average trainer

I have spent the first part of the week working at getting work.
that means dealing with contracts, hunting down finalizations, setting up travel arrangements.
all the stuff that enables me to actually work.
This put me in mind of the fact that a secretary would be invaluable to me.
not the current version of it, where it is some kind of administrative assistant but rather a real secretary.
Someone who can deal with chasing down contracts, setting up travel, getting my cleaning ( still need to do that) answering phone calls, paying my bills. everything that I have to do when I am not either building courseware or teaching in front of a class.
In this day and age that sort of person is rare and unusual but still extremely valuable.
If there was someone who could filter all the extraneous junk out and let me focus on making money, wow what a concept.
But such is my life this week, I am my own secretary. I need to ask me for a raise.

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